In these difficult times, circumstances beyond your control may find you heavily in debt. No matter how hard you try, you are unable to pay your living expenses and make significant payments to lower the debt you owe. Your creditors will not work with you to reduce the debt and fees imposed only increase the amount of the debt.
Soon you start receiving harassing phone calls from debt collectors, the threat of lawsuits from your creditors, the entry of judgments against you and wage garnishment. The stress and worry over your financial situation can cause problems in your personal, family and professional life.
Does this sound familiar? If so, know that you are not alone. If you qualify, filing for bankruptcy may provide a solution for your financial problems and provide you with a “fresh start”.
Bankruptcy can be a complex process. You should rely on an experienced
bankruptcy lawyer to make sure you choose the bankruptcy that is right for you. Attorney Magda Abdo-Gomez will guide you through the bankruptcy process from start to finish.
An individual debtor can file for debt relief under:
→ Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
→ Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
→ Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
It is important for a creditor to consult with a knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyer quickly if the entity which owes the creditor money files for bankruptcy. Magda Abdo-Gomez has represented creditors in bankruptcy cases and can explain your rights and risks as a creditor in a bankruptcy proceeding. Refer to Creditor Representation for more information.
Financial difficulties can be very stressful. Having a knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney deal with your creditors can provide you peace of mind. With over thirty years of experience representing debtors, lawyer Magda Abdo-Gomez can evaluate your financial situation to determine whether bankruptcy is the best option for you.
As a former Special Assistant US Attorney who represented the IRS in bankruptcy court, and as a law professor of bankruptcy for over twelve years, Magda Abdo-Gomez understands the bankruptcy laws and how they can be used to provide you debt relief from creditors and possibly the IRS.
Call Lawyer Magda Abdo-Gomez at 305-559-7478 or
contact her online to see if bankruptcy is right for you.